Child Support Attorneys in Gainesville
Protecting Your Rights & Fighting for Your Best Interests
Florida uses a set of statutory guidelines to determine each parent's obligation regarding the financial support for his or her children.
There are a variety of factors that are considered when calculating child support, including:
- The income of each parent
- How many children need support
- Any special needs of the children and other considerations
These are complex cases and it is important that you have a reliable Gainesville child support attorney with extensive experience in this area of law. At Dunham & Ingram, we represent clients in all aspects of child support matters. With decades of experience under our belts, we work to ensure that accurate data is used in the calculations and do everything we can to see that your children receive the support they need.
Servicios de Traducción en Español Disponibles. Call Dunham & Ingram today at (352) 415-2896 if you have any questions or concerns about how our Gainesville family lawyers can help you.
Child Support Modification & Enforcement
We also represent clients in child support enforcement and modification matters. If you are not receiving child support payments, we can help you petition the court to ensure that the order is enforced. If there has been a significant shift in circumstances for either parent, it may be appropriate to seek a modification of the initial child support order.
The following are all grounds for seeking a modification:
- A substantial increase or decrease in income for either parent
- The remarriage of the recipient parent
- Changes in time sharing
We will carefully review your case and advise you on your legal options. We will walk you through the entire process and do everything in our power to resolve the matter in a way that is most beneficial for you. Whether you need help with the modification of a child support order or a contempt action, you can rely on us to provide the skillful representation necessary to protect your interests and the interests of your children.
Call us today at (352) 415-2896 to set up a case evaluation with our child support attorneys in Gainesville.